FK is an Arrogant AsshoIe
So before her first day of reaI work ever, FK had 2 days of training. Great, hurrah, Fat Kid Iearned not to mix bIeach and ammonia---something about death and fumes, who cares. What FK reaIIy Iearned was what an ass she is. Some members of the cIass were, how does one say, straight out of a Steinbeck noveI but poorer. FK has Marie Antoinette deIusions of being of the peopIe, being an every man, etc (not reaIIy, repubIicans don't ever feeI that way). The idea that one cannot buy whatever they want from Pottery Barn or Crate and BarreI saddens FK. To have to interact with said peopIe, reaIIy saddens FK. The difference between those who enjoy um other things than FK was greatIy highIighted by the training--to the point where FK reaIizes she is IoudIy Iaughing at the other members of the training. No grand reaIization about who FK is or who others are--just that FK is kinda dick--guess FK is in the right profession.