Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Disappointed Fat Kid

Law & Order: SVU used to be a guaranteed hour of suspense and drama. Now, SVU sucks like the douche in the last post. Mariska Hargitay rocked as the tough as nails cop with a tender spot in her heart. Christopher Meloni, leaving his refrigerator humping days behind, is the psychotically reproductive cop who wants to kick the shit out of everyone. And this simple formula worked. Anger+Tenderness=touching insight into the criminal psyche. However, SVU has apparently lost its shiny sparkle and is about as suspenseful as a Monk marathon. Get it? He's a good detective who has OCD which makes him a good detective. It's very complex. Apparently much more complex than the new storylines of SVU. Bring back the child kidnappers, the rapists, the wanna be pedophiles etc. I don't give a crap about someone's drug habit or the emotions of third rate characters. Perhaps the addition of Michael "My work is crap" Keaton could restore the brillance to this show.


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