Tuesday, January 10, 2006

FK Dislikes Douches

Dear 1L Douchebag,
I know I am a 3L who is in a course with 1Ls. I know that your new shiny eagerness at the law has yet to wear off. I know your maturity is akin to that of an 8th grader. I also know that you are a douchebag. When someone speaks in class, do not snicker because the words "very" and "hard" were placed in the same sentence. Yes, I understand it is slightly sexual. However, in big boy court, one cannot do this. So flip your damn polo shirt color down. Your dad gave you a trust fund...dip into it to purchase some clothes that do not have holes in them. Boho chic is for chicks and you are apparently presenting yourself as a man. As manly as one can be wearing pink and orange together with his purse. Also, shave and get a haircut. I don't care if your hero at your frat house (yes its a frat, not fraternity, don't say the stupid country thing) Sleazy McSleaze told you chicks dig hair gel. We don't. You, 1L douches, need to grow a pair and gain some respect. And screw off.
Very Truly Yours,
A Fat Kid in Polyester
p.s. Here is a general image of a douchebag. If you look like this or think this kid looks cool, the letter applies to you

UPDATE!!!! The Douche who I only assumed was a 1L due to his absolute retardation is actually a 2L. Jesus Christ on a Cracker. No wonder people think UM sucks. And douche mcdouche a lot is sitting in front of me. What a turd smuggler.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, speaking of douches! i found out today that johanna and rui got married and are now divorced. god, the excitement!

8:56 PM  

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